Friday, October 26, 2012

Art Show, Kindergarten Style

Eamon has been doing so well in kindergarten; I'm so proud of him!  His artwork and penmanship have really improved.  He's been working so hard to take his time and do a good job.  When he got home from school and his work was on the wall, he was so excited!

Reading is also very important to us--I've read to the boys nearly everyday since they were born.  Eamon has excelled in reading this past year, working his way from Dr. Seuss in the fall of 2011 to reading the first Harry Potter as well as the Redwall series this year.  His teacher recently informed me that he is reading at least at the sixth grade level.  He's pretty amazing!

He definitely takes after his nerdy parents, and loves fantasy, science fiction, Pokemon, Legos, and dragons.  Of course, these play out into his awesome drawings of epic Lego ship battles through space, and colorful dragons breathing fire all over the page. 

I really hope he never loses interest in what he loves.  And of course, the artist in me hopes he never stops drawing and being creative.


Tsoniki Crazy Bull said...

That is so awesome! I love children's artwork. I am a saver and my kids are art producers, so I have always planned on photographing them really well and publishing a book, so I can throw away the actual paper. LOL And I hope he keeps the creativity as well! My son is 9 and loves to draw, he just started a new comic journal.

Jessie Keating said...

That's such a good idea!!! I think I might steal that. Especially since I haven't had the heart to throw anything out, but can see the potential for a visit from Hoarders.