Friday, August 29, 2008

Car and Sticks

Our car still hasn't arrived. The moving company first said it would be here Thursday, then they called to say it would be here between Thursday and Saturday. Yesterday, they said it would definitely be here today (Friday) between 2 and 5. At 2, I received a phone call informing me that they weren't able to make it today, but that they'd most likely be here between 8 and 11 tomorrow morning. Ugh. I'm really frustrated, and really missing my car!

Given that I don't have my car yet, we're really getting to know the bus system. Today we took it to the mall, where there is a JoAnn's. (Funny story, I'm on my second set, soon to be third, of double pointed needles for ONE sock. I borrowed a set from Shona, and after bringing them all the way to WA and back, managed to break one of the needles upon arrival to MA. So I bought a set to replace hers, and I had the first set, less the needle I had broke. But, given my aptitude for losing things, I managed to lose one last night, just as I really got going on my sock. I tore apart the house (really, how many places could it have gone? We don't have our furniture yet!) Anyway, since it's nearly impossible to knit a sock on three needles, I really needed a new set. Hence the trip to JoAnn's.) Back to my (long) trip out: after walking from the transfer center to the mall, then around the mall, spending an hour at the little playspace for Bug, then walking to JoAnn's from the mall, I found that they only carry double pointed needles in a size one and above.

Remembering a sign for Michaels, I thought, "why not walk in that general direction and see if I can find it?" Heh--20 minutes later I found the sign, then walked down the giant hill to the store. Once inside, I found an even smaller selection of knitting needles, and of course no 0's. Having seen a sign for Hancock Fabrics, I decided to trek over there. At this point I really had to pee, and Bug was not happy.

Hello Hancocks! Do you have any size 0 needles? No? Really? No as in you don't have any in stock, or no as in you don't carry them at all? Not at all? Really? At this point my temper was getting a bit short, and I wasn't very happy with the sales girl, who informed me that their bathroom--after looking at my stroller--was up the stairs and down a hall. But that she suggested I go to the Goodwill next door since their bathroom was on the bottom floor.

So on to Goodwill we went. Bug by this point was really mad at Mommy, but darnit I had to pee. I waked around the entire store, only to figure out that I had passed it already. Finally, relief.

That's when I realized how far I had walked. Not to worry, though, my car would be here soon, and Jes could pick us up! That's about when I got the last call from the moving company, saying it was delayed. Again.

To what lengths have you gone to knit a sock? I'm just curious, since I can't be the only crazy person out there.

My legs hurt.

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